Papers by topics

This is an incomplete list of papers by topic for my own reference. Results are ordered by the year (latest to the oldest. ) I am also only adding papers that are relevant to my interests and/or research work.

Polynomial Identity Testing

Algebraic Complexity


Polynomial Identity Testing

Lower Bounds


Lower Bounds

Polynomial Identity Testing

Circuit Complexity


Hardness vs Randomness

  1. Distinguishing, Predicting, and Certifying: On the Long Reach of Partial Notions of Pseudorandomness
  2. Summary:
  3. Fiat-Shamir in the Plain Model from Derandomization (Or: Do Efficient Algorithms Believe that NP = PSPACE?)

Expanders, Spectral Graphs and Coding theory

  1. Two-Sided Lossless Expanders in the Unbalanced Setting

Quantum Complexity Theory